Saturday, January 29, 2011

boring saturday

Say "Hel-freaking-lo" to my Saturday night! All of the awesome people are either working or being extremely uncool and watching Ghost Whisperer. YEAH. Instead, I'm deep cleansing or whatever with this yummy avacado oatmeal clay masque. I know, you're jealous.

It's ultimately decided that I'm taking a year off before I go to anything post-secondary, because I'm still not really sure where I want to go. Amanda revived my desire to go to FIDM and that would be really fun, but I'm still not too sure that I want to move all the way to California. I'll miss some people way too much. But on the plus side, I would get to have the most amazing roommate ever - one who I havent seen for SEVEN YEARS! Which is obviously seven years too long.

Oh the choices.

what up, saturday morning?

I love plaid just as much as I love The Breakfast Club - and I like that movie A LOT. Emilio Estevez makes my heart melt, and all of Molly Ringwald's gingerness is pretty great, too. I guess I love a few more things. Like neon anything and bright colours. Orange juice - tropicana, preferably. No one should EVER drink cranberry cocktail. Ever. Not. One. Drop. Nasty shiz. I like that my friends never call me by my real name, 'cause it brings some spice to my day. I like my luscious hair, 'cause it's an odd colour and pretty. Ke$ha's my bitch. I love my best friends. I love how no one really knows anything about me. I love this layout.

Ben told me that I should make a new post, so I did. But to be honest I don't really have anything to write about. I mean, you can't blame me because it's four in the freaking morning. What am I doing right now? Uh, obviously listening to Ke$ha and just being really cool. 'Cause, uh, I am. :)

Ben Loucks is a skank.

Friday, January 28, 2011


"What Would Kanye Do Or Has Already Done?" - Neumizzle

The answer to that is obviously nothing, so I thought, what the cougar, I need a blog. And now, the oh so fabulous interwebs gets a taste of me and my party. Ke$ha can suck it. Since apparently not everyone knows, me, I have to do the whole introduction thingy. I'm Kaitlin. I'm seventeen. I'm Canadian. I'm amazing. Pretty sure most of that could be figured out on its own, but that doesn't really matter 'cause now that shiz is confirmed.

So Mr. West, we salute you for doing everything there pretty much is to do. From interrupting that blonde bitch on stage, to effing pretty much everything. We salute you.

Get ready, world. ;)